Carved Roof Design 1
Carved Roof Design 1
Simple carved roof designs are becoming more and more popular in recent years. A quick look at Dewel Magazine, Arc Deli or Pintrest will tell you that modern residential architecture and forms and functions are more interested in simplicity, including this and not to mention the cost benefits of a carved roof.
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Carved Roof Design 1
Simple carved roof designs are becoming more and more popular in recent years. A quick look at Dewel Magazine, Arc Deli or Pinterest will tell you that modern residential architecture and forms and functions are more interested in simplicity, including this and not to mention the cost benefits of a carved roof. If you are looking for motivation and information about the designs of the carved modern roof, stay around and keep reading. We will walk through the most popular carved roofs, talk about aesthetics, the best use, and benefits, the idea of technical formation and plan planning. Let’s take a look at the most popular features of simple carved roof designs.
Modern flat carved ceilings
Uses and benefits: Traditional architecture has traditionally been characterized by a carved ceiling. Flat roofs form long horizontal planes, often reminding of the broad horizon line seen in nature. They are simple in the form and work, and are a good example of the modernist theory of “clean line”.
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